98 research outputs found

    A Demonstration of Wavefront Sensing and Mirror Phasing from the Image Domain

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    In astronomy and microscopy, distortions in the wavefront affect the dynamic range of a high contrast imaging system. These aberrations are either imposed by a turbulent medium such as the atmosphere, by static or thermal aberrations in the optical path, or by imperfectly phased subapertures in a segmented mirror. Active and adaptive optics (AO), consisting of a wavefront sensor and a deformable mirror, are employed to address this problem. Nevertheless, the non-common-path between the wavefront sensor and the science camera leads to persistent quasi-static speckles that are difficult to calibrate and which impose a floor on the image contrast. In this paper we present the first experimental demonstration of a novel wavefront sensor requiring only a minor asymmetric obscuration of the pupil, using the science camera itself to detect high order wavefront errors from the speckle pattern produced. We apply this to correct errors imposed on a deformable microelectromechanical (MEMS) segmented mirror in a closed loop, restoring a high quality point spread function (PSF) and residual wavefront errors of order 10\sim 10 nm using 1600 nm light, from a starting point of 300\sim 300 nm in piston and 0.3\sim 0.3 mrad in tip-tilt. We recommend this as a method for measuring the non-common-path error in AO-equipped ground based telescopes, as well as as an approach to phasing difficult segmented mirrors such as on the \emph{James Webb Space Telescope} primary and as a future direction for extreme adaptive optics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    The VAMPIRES instrument: Imaging the innermost regions of protoplanetary disks with polarimetric interferometry

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    Direct imaging of protoplanetary disks promises to provide key insight into the complex sequence of processes by which planets are formed. However imaging the innermost region of such disks (a zone critical to planet formation) is challenging for traditional observational techniques (such as near-IR imaging and coronagraphy) due to the relatively long wavelengths involved and the area occulted by the coronagraphic mask. Here we introduce a new instrument -- VAMPIRES -- which combines non-redundant aperture-masking interferometry with differential polarimetry to directly image this previously inaccessible innermost region. By using the polarisation of light scattered by dust in the disk to provide precise differential calibration of interferometric visibilities and closure phases, VAMPIRES allows direct imaging at and beyond the telescope diffraction limit. Integrated into the SCExAO system at the Subaru telescope, VAMPIRES operates at visible wavelengths (where polarisation is high) while allowing simultaneous infrared observations conducted by HICIAO. Here we describe the instrumental design and unique observing technique and present the results of the first on-sky commissioning observations, validating the excellent visibility and closure phase precision which are then used to project expected science performance metrics

    Diffraction-limited polarimetric imaging of protoplanetary disks and mass-loss shells with VAMPIRES

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    Both the birth and death of a stellar system are areas of key scientific importance. Whether it's understanding the process of planetary formation in a star's early years, or uncovering the cause of the enormous mass-loss that takes place during a star's dying moments, a key to scientific understanding lies in the inner few AU of the circumstellar environment. Corresponding to scales of 10s of milli-arcseconds, these observations pose a huge technical challenge due to the high angular-resolutions and contrasts required. A major stumbling block is the problem of the Earth's own atmospheric turbulence. The other difficulty is that precise calibration is required to combat the extremely high contrast ratios and high resolutions faced. By taking advantage of the fact that starlight scattered by dust in the circumstellar region is polarized, differential polarimetry can help achieve this calibration. Spectral features can also be utilized

    Fully broadband vAPP coronagraphs enabling polarimetric high contrast imaging

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    We present designs for fully achromatic vector Apodizing Phase Plate (vAPP) coronagraphs, that implement low polarization leakage solutions and achromatic beam-splitting, enabling observations in broadband filters. The vAPP is a pupil plane optic, inducing the phase through the inherently achromatic geometric phase. We discuss various implementations of the broadband vAPP and set requirements on all the components of the broadband vAPP coronagraph to ensure that the leakage terms do not limit a raw contrast of 1E-5. Furthermore, we discuss superachromatic QWPs based of liquid crystals or quartz/MgF2 combinations, and several polarizer choices. As the implementation of the (broadband) vAPP coronagraph is fully based on polarization techniques, it can easily be extended to furnish polarimetry by adding another QWP before the coronagraph optic, which further enhances the contrast between the star and a polarized companion in reflected light. We outline several polarimetric vAPP system designs that could be easily implemented in existing instruments, e.g. SPHERE and SCExAO.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 201

    High-performance 3D waveguide architecture for astronomical pupil-remapping interferometry

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    The detection and characterisation of extra-solar planets is a major theme driving modern astronomy, with the vast majority of such measurements being achieved by Doppler radial-velocity and transit observations. Another technique -- direct imaging -- can access a parameter space that complements these methods, and paves the way for future technologies capable of detailed characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres and surfaces. However achieving the required levels of performance with direct imaging, particularly from ground-based telescopes which must contend with the Earth's turbulent atmosphere, requires considerable sophistication in the instrument and detection strategy. Here we demonstrate a new generation of photonic pupil-remapping devices which build upon the interferometric framework developed for the {\it Dragonfly} instrument: a high contrast waveguide-based device which recovers robust complex visibility observables. New generation Dragonfly devices overcome problems caused by interference from unguided light and low throughput, promising unprecedented on-sky performance. Closure phase measurement scatter of only 0.2\sim 0.2^\circ has been achieved, with waveguide throughputs of >70%> 70\%. This translates to a maximum contrast-ratio sensitivity (between the host star and its orbiting planet) at 1λ/D1 \lambda/D (1σ\sigma detection) of 5.3×1045.3 \times 10^{-4} (when a conventional adaptive-optics (AO) system is used) or 1.8×1041.8 \times 10^{-4} (for typical `extreme-AO' performance), improving even further when random error is minimised by averaging over multiple exposures. This is an order of magnitude beyond conventional pupil-segmenting interferometry techniques (such as aperture masking), allowing a previously inaccessible part of the star to planet contrast-separation parameter space to be explored

    Phase Retrieval and Design with Automatic Differentiation

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    The principal limitation in many areas of astronomy, especially for directly imaging exoplanets, arises from instability in the point spread function (PSF) delivered by the telescope and instrument. To understand the transfer function, it is often necessary to infer a set of optical aberrations given only the intensity distribution on the sensor - the problem of phase retrieval. This can be important for post-processing of existing data, or for the design of optical phase masks to engineer PSFs optimized to achieve high contrast, angular resolution, or astrometric stability. By exploiting newly efficient and flexible technology for automatic differentiation, which in recent years has undergone rapid development driven by machine learning, we can perform both phase retrieval and design in a way that is systematic, user-friendly, fast, and effective. By using modern gradient descent techniques, this converges efficiently and is easily extended to incorporate constraints and regularization. We illustrate the wide-ranging potential for this approach using our new package, Morphine. Challenging applications performed with this code include precise phase retrieval for both discrete and continuous phase distributions, even where information has been censored such as heavily-saturated sensor data. We also show that the same algorithms can optimize continuous or binary phase masks that are competitive with existing best solutions for two example problems: an Apodizing Phase Plate (APP) coronagraph for exoplanet direct imaging, and a diffractive pupil for narrow-angle astrometry. The Morphine source code and examples are available open-source, with a similar interface to the popular physical optics package Poppy

    Diffraction-limited polarimetric imaging of protoplanetary disks and mass-loss shells with VAMPIRES

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    Both the birth and death of a stellar system are areas of key scientific importance. Whether it's understanding the process of planetary formation in a star's early years, or uncovering the cause of the enormous mass-loss that takes place during a star's dying moments, a key to scientific understanding lies in the inner few AU of the circumstellar environment. Corresponding to scales of 10s of milli-arcseconds, these observations pose a huge technical challenge due to the high angular-resolutions and contrasts required. A major stumbling block is the problem of the Earth's own atmospheric turbulence. The other difficulty is that precise calibration is required to combat the extremely high contrast ratios and high resolutions faced. By taking advantage of the fact that starlight scattered by dust in the circumstellar region is polarized, differential polarimetry can help achieve this calibration. Spectral features can also be utilized

    SCExAO as a precursor to an ELT exoplanet direct imaging instrument

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    The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme AO (SCExAO) instrument consists of a high performance Phase Induced Amplitude Apodisation (PIAA) coronagraph combined with an extreme Adaptive Optics (AO) system operating in the near-infrared (H band). The extreme AO system driven by the 2000 element deformable mirror will allow for Strehl ratios >90% to be achieved in the H-band when it goes closed loop. This makes the SCExAO instrument a powerful platform for high contrast imaging down to angular separations of the order of 1lambda/D and an ideal testbed for exploring coronagraphic techniques for ELTs. In this paper we report on the recent progress in regards to the development of the instrument, which includes the addition of a visible bench that makes use of the light at shorter wavelengths not currently utilized by SCExAO and closing the loop on the tip/tilt wavefront sensor. We will also discuss several exciting guest instruments which will expand the capabilities of SCExAO over the next few years; namely CHARIS which is a integral field spectrograph as well as VAMPIRES, a visible aperture masking experiment based on polarimetric analysis of circumstellar disks. In addition we will elucidate the unique role extreme AO systems will play in enabling high precision radial velocity spectroscopy for the detection of small companions.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures Proceedings of AO4ELTs3 conference, paper 13396, Florence, Italy, May 201